Wood Fence Facts For Homeowners

Posted on: 8 March 2021


Wood can be a durable and cost-effective solution when you are needing to have a fence installed. While wood residential fences are a style that can provide an individual with an option for securing their property that is effective and attractive, there are several factors that you will need to understand if you are to maximize the lifespan of your wood fencing.

Keep The Wood Painted Or At Least Sealed

Painting and sealing the wood fence are easily the most important preventative care measures that you can provide. When the fence is not protected with these layers, it can develop rot and other problems that may ruin its appearance, as well as causing physical damage to the fence. Painting and sealing your wood fence can be a major undertaking if the fence covers a large amount of your property. Fortunately, a residential wood fencing company will be able to safely remove the previous coatings on the fence so that the new ones can be applied. This will ensure the coating for the fence will last for years.

Treat The Wood Fence For Termites

Any wood surface will be vulnerable to developing a serious termite problem. These pests can cause serious damage to your wood fence as they will often start targetting the base of the fence. This can make it easier for portions of the fence to be broken in a way that could allow it to be breached. The base of the fence will be vulnerable to this type of damage first as a result of the fact that termites will travel underground, and this can lead to them coming into contact with the base of the fence. Protecting your fence from these pests will require the area to be regularly treated by pest control experts so that the wood will be a less attractive target for the termite colonies in your area.

Consider The Type Of Gate That You Will Use

Most fence systems will need to have a gate installed so that you will be sure able to enter and exit the property at will. Unfortunately, wood may have a lower weight capacity than some other types of fencing materials. However, you will still be able to choose a suitable gate for your fence, but you may need to install support braces for the portion of the fence that will support the gate. Otherwise, it may be more prone to destabilizing. If you are unsure as to the weight capacity of your fence, you can have a residential wood fencing company inspect your fence to determine whether your desired gate will require additional supports to be installed.

To learn more, contact a residential wood fencing company.