Keeping Deer Off Your Property

Posted on: 26 July 2017


Dealing with deer can be a bit of a problem. This is especially true when they are eating your grass or your garden. You obviously do not want to harm the deer, but you can't have them getting into your grass or garden. There are a few different types of fences that you can build around your yard that will really help reduce the deer traffic that you experience. Here are a few of the different fences that you can have installed.  

Tall and Angled

It is pretty incredible how high a deer is able to actually jump. Deer are extremely good jumpers and can jump over obstacles that are up to fifteen feet high. So, if you want to build a fence that is sixteen feet around your entire house this might keep the deer out. However, that is most likely to high to be considered. One of the best ways that you can keep deer from coming into your yard or garden it to build a tall fence, but to angle the fence in or out. If you angle the fence, the deer will feel extremely uncomfortable and not want to jump the fence at all. 

Double Up

Deer are able to jump very high, but they do not have very good vision. If you want to keep deer from getting on your property, you can double up on fences. You can build two fences and space them about five feet apart. A deer is going to feel very uncomfortable looking at the two fences. Their vision is so bad that they will not want to risk jumping one fence and landing on the other fence. They also do not like the idea of getting caught in the middle of the fences. Two fences is a great way to keep deer out, and it can look extremely nice.

Security Fences

Perhaps the most common type of fence that can double as a deer fence is a security fence. Security fences are great because they look extremely nice, and they are extremely good at keeping deer off of your property. Deer are extremely cautious and will not want to risk getting caught behind the fence. Unless a deer is able to see clearly any possible threats, the deer will not jump. So, if you want a very common fence that looks nice, but doubles as a good deer fence, a security fence might be the way to go.